Title 1
Title 1
Title I is a federally funded program authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. As stated on the Massachusetts Department of Education website, Title I "provides financial assistance to districts and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards." Each year, school districts must evaluate each of their schools on the basis of poverty levels and use that data, following federal regulations, to select Title I Schools. The funds then are used in those schools to provide supplemental education services to students.
The Title I program targets students who will benefit from supplemental classroom support and/or small group instruction either inside or outside of the classroom. Title I services are provided in cooperation with Title I and classroom teachers who meet the highly qualified requirements of No Child Left Behind. Your child’s progress in the Title I program will be monitored throughout the year and communicated to you by the Title I teachers.
A key component of the Title I program is the home/school collaboration. Your involvement is desired and encouraged. You will be notified when we have our Title I Parent/Student events. Your attendance at our workshops and events is highly valued.
Monomoy Regional School District Report Card
February 2024
Each year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) produces a Report Card for all school districts across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Each district’s report card provides the public with information about the qualifications of the teachers working in the district, the student demographics of the district, recent assessment information (MCAS), the types of academic programs offered, information on school spending, and more. Please click here to access this year’s report card for Monomoy Regional School District.
In our review of our report card, we have identified the following areas of strength:
In grades 3-8, Monomoy students continue to rebound after declines experienced during the pandemic on the required English Language Arts and Mathematics state assessments.
There was a 10% increase in the number of grade 10 students meeting expectations in Mathematics.
Access to the Arts continues to be strong with 86.8% of students participating in at least one visual art, music, theater, dance, and/or general arts class in 2023.
Our advanced coursework completion (percentage of 11th and 12th grade students completing at least one advanced course) rose from 60.9% in 2022 to 69.9% in 2023.
In our review of our report card, student attendance continues to be a significant concern at MRSD, as it was last year. Our district remains committed to working on the following areas of growth, and we continue to seek your support in these areas:
The student attendance rate (percentage of students present on any given day) has been slowly decreasing over the past three years, yet the average number of days of school that a student misses in a school year is still alarming at 12.0 days/student.
The percentage of students who are “chronically absent” (miss more than 10% of the school year) is 20.6% of the total population. This percentage is also significantly higher for English language learners (29.1%), students with disabilities (26.7%), and low-income students (26.5%).
As Superintendent Carpenter explained in his message this past November, there is significant research tying student attendance to success in school, both academically and socially. We need your help in turning this trend around and ensuring that students are in school whenever possible.
Over the past year, a Strategic Planning Team made up of district educators and administrators, caregivers and families, and community members took a deep dive into district data as well as feedback provided via community surveys and focus groups. From this, the team drafted Monomoy’s new 2024-2028 Strategic Plan. This plan will be provided to the School Committee in late March for approval. We are excited to share it with our community in the coming weeks.
Additionally, because your child’s school receives Title I funds, all caregivers have the right to request the following information about your child’s teacher:
Whether your child’s teacher is licensed in the grade levels and subject they teach
Whether your child’s teacher is teaching under an emergency license or waiver
The college degree and major of your child’s teacher
Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
Robin A. Millen, Ed.D.
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
If you have questions about our district’s report card, would like to become involved in school improvement activities, or would like to request information about the qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher, please contact Robin Millen, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (rmillen@monomoy.edu).
Monomoy Report Cards: