Monomoy Early Childhood Family Resource Center
The Monomoy Early Childhood Family Resource Center is located in Harwich Elementary School, 263 South Street, Door 6A, Harwich, MA 02645
The Monomoy Early Childhood Family Resource Center is a satellite of Cape Cod Children's Place.
Services include:
- Free infant and toddler clothing and diapers
- New children's books
- Early Literacy Book Bag Lending Library
- Access to free food and nutrition education
- Navigation assistance for finding affordable childcare and preschool programs.
- Ages and Stages Questionnaire and Developmentally appropriate activity suggestions
- Early Education and Care tuition assistance
- Up-to-date information about parent/grandparent/guardian support groups and education
- Up-to-date information about free parent/caregiver and child engagement activities
Contact Information
Lucy Gilmore is on leave starting September 16, 2024.
In the interim, please contact Lucy Chrobak at