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MRSC 2021-2022 Goals

2021-2022 School Committee Goals

New Goal #1: Prepare a Redline Regional Agreement for the Annual Town Meetings in Spring of 2022

Action Steps

1. Review and Refine current Regional District draft version.

2. Continue with the working group to discuss regional assessment at the elementary level: MRSC Members, Superintendent, MRSD Business Manager, Representatives from both Boards of Selectmen, Town Managers

3. Prepare the Final Version of the Regional Agreement by Winter 2022

New Goal #2 : The MRSC will support Equity and Diversity work within the District.

Action Steps

1. Seek out a diversity trainer to inform and educate members of the MRSC

2. Support development and implementation of MRSD Equity curriculum

3. Participate in opportunities that are offered through MASC to help understand what Critical Race Theory is.

4. Review documents on MASC Anti-Racism Resolution and MRSC statement on Race and Education with information garnered through further education of MRSC members

5. Explore having a Liaison to the Equity task Force

6. Commit to ongoing Educational opportunities on the topic of Diversity and Equity for School Committee members

7. Support the work of the Equity Task Force

New Goal #3: The school committee will monitor the ESSER Grant Funding for the upcoming school year.

Action Steps

1. The Finance Sub-Committee will oversee the usage of ESSER Funding and update the full committee as part of the subcommittee reports.

2. Measure the impact and outcome of the funding to be reported by Administration

New Goal #4: Develop the 2022 Strategic Plan with the Administration

Action Steps

1. Review previous process of Strategic Planning from 2018

2. Establish a working group to collaborate with the administration to develop the Strategic Plan Process.

3. Develop and create a timeline of the new Strategic Planning Process.

4. Move forward with the implementation of the 2022 Strategic Plan.

New Goal #5: Update School Committee Handbook.

Action Steps

1. Review and confirm information within the handbook based on School Committee approved policies

a. Policies that need to be updated within the Handbook will be shared with the Policy Sub Committee

2. All components of the handbook should reflect school committee member responsibilities

3. Clarify the roles and responsibilities of Sub Committees in regard to Role of Chair, Procedures, and Voting