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Strategic Planning Focus Group 2018

The Strategic Planning Process

On September 29, 2018, more than 100 parents, teachers, students, administrators, and community members participated in a Strategic Planning Focus Group to offer collective guidance on the future direction of our schools.

Those gathered heard reports from the Superintendent and each Monomoy principal conveying recent successes and existing challenges for the district and its schools. Given the fast pace of our ever-changing digital world and the demographic shifts happening in our region, attendees were encouraged to think about the future of our community, country, and world as we launch Monomoy’s current students into the future, keeping in mind that our current kindergarteners will be receiving their high school diplomas in 2031.
Participants in this Strategic Planning Focus Group discussed ways in which Monomoy is effective, where we can improve, and what obstacles we might need to overcome to realize improvement. The participants were divided into smaller focus groups, providing feedback, insights, and creativity in their responses to four questions:

• What are the strengths of Monomoy’s programs?
• What do you see as Monomoy’s areas of possible improvement?
• In order to meet the needs of ALL LEARNERS and to position each graduate to be successful in 2030 and beyond, what enhancements should be made in the next three years to advance Monomoy’s excellence?
• What factors might hinder Monomoy in making significant progress in achieving an audacious Strategic Plan for the next three years and how might we address these?

The table notes from each group were compiled to capture the collective contributions of the 100+ participants, and every individual was able to identify their personal priorities related to each of the above questions. This feedback, along with the unabridged notes generated by each table, was passed on to the 15-member Strategic Planning Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee met 10 times over a two-month period to draft a new Strategic Plan. Committee members combed over the raw table notes, synthesized this with prioritized feedback from the Strategic Planning Focus Group, and was briefed on district and building-level data by the superintendent and principals. Together they distilled the data and feedback, identified four themes (which became our strategic objectives), and determined the initiatives required to achieve each strategic objective. Action steps, measurements of progress, and a timeline were specified by the Steering Committee for each strategic initiative.

The MRSD 2018-2022 Strategic Plan was presented to and adopted by the Monomoy Regional School Committee on December 13, 2018.

Strategic Planning Focus Group table notes, transcribed

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Strategic Planning Focus Group table notes

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Strategic Planning Focus Group 9/29/2018