Strategic Plan 2018-2022
MRSD Strategic Plan - Collaborating for growth and success
It is my pleasure to present the Monomoy Regional School District 2018-2022 Strategic Plan. I am incredibly grateful for the time and insights shared by more than 100 parents, teachers, students, administrators, and community members who participated in our Strategic Planning Focus Group, as well as the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, which, over two months of conversation, discussion, synthesis, and collaborative planning, generated this new Strategic Plan, focused on guiding our district towards continual improvement. We believe this Strategic Plan captures the collective values of our community and the direction our schools need to head. We have much to be proud of in Monomoy, and this Strategic Plan will provide focus to the district’s work and direction to School Improvement Plans within each building, and guide the goals set by educators as we strive for ongoing success. Thank you for your continued support of our schools.
Dr. Scott Carpenter, Superintendent
The MRSD 2018-2022 Strategic Plan was presented to and adopted by the Monomoy Regional School Committee on December 13, 2018.
MRSD 2018-2022 Strategic Plan Overview
Strategic Objective 1: Expand Community Engagement and Partnerships by focusing on families' equity of access, increasing community involvement, and further embedding service learning within the curriculum.
►This will be done by improving partnerships with families of underrepresented students, expanding the involvement of community partners, and further integrating service into our schools.
Strategic Objective 2: Strengthen Social and Emotional Well-Being through a deliberate focus on the development of healthy, supportive relationships and a fully integrated social-emotional learning curriculum.
►We will achieve this through emphasizing student character development and resiliency, and strengthening our school climate and culture.
Strategic Objective 3: Close the Achievement Gap by developing and implementing targeted instruction and supports to improve outcomes for the largest and most persistent achievement gaps.
►Monomoy will improve support for differences within our classrooms, implement innovative programs, and enhance early learning in our towns.
Strategic Objective 4: Improve Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment for All Learners by ensuring our collective practices are focused on students, preparing them for college, career, and life as members of both a local and global community.
►To meet this goal, we will standardize a learner-centered approach in our classrooms, and provide challenging and experiential learning that prepares students for 2030 and beyond.
Strategic Plan Update - February 2022
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Strategic Plan Update - October 2020
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MRSD 2018-2022 Strategic Plan Report
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