Strategic Plan 2016-2018
Mission Statement: Monomoy Regional School District is a community of learners of all ages focused on building knowledge, positive character, and resiliency in a safe, supportive, creative, and challenging environment.
Vision Statement: Monomoy is committed to being an exemplary school district, inspiring students to become civic-minded in their decision-making, confident in their communication, flexible in their problem-solving, creative in their expression, resilient in their response to challenge, attentive to global responsibilities, and ready to succeed in the future.
Theory of Action: We share a vision of high student expectations and effective teaching, deliver an interdisciplinary curriculum which provides appropriate levels of challenge for each learner, foster strong parent and community partnerships, and promote and celebrate the achievements of all, in order to create a supportive, positive Monomoy culture that will inspire all learners.
Strategic Objective: Develop engaging, appropriately challenging, and interdisciplinary curriculum
Strategic Initiatives:
* Emphasize “Close Reading and Writing from Sources” across all discipline (reading texts closely, taking good notes, analyzing and synthesizing information from multiple sources, then writing clearly and effectively with evidence)
* Reverse engineer district’s math curriculum (K-7) to improve academic preparedness for statewide exams and ultimately prepare 8th graders for algebra
* Outline and enact a cycle through which curriculum, in each academic area, is regularly assessed, developed, implemented, and evaluated
* Promote 21st century learning (collaboration, creativity, communication, critical thinking, information, media, and technology skills) within integrated units based on the core content subjects, with a focus on global awareness and civic, health, environmental, and financial literacy
* Create horizontal and vertical curriculum framework (PreK-7) that integrates science, technology, reading, engineering, art, and math (STREAM) to achieve the Monomoy vision by leveraging the unique history and environment of our communities
Strategic Objective: Strengthen parent and community partnerships in support of student learning
Strategic Initiatives:
* Support more consistent and effective use of the student information system (Aspen) as a communication tool for parents to support children’s learning
* Develop homework expectations for each grade level that addresses diverse student needs
* Include parent and community feedback in the decision-making process
* Continue to develop strong School Councils, Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs), and Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) at each school
* Foster more community partnerships that support our educational mission and strengthen civic-minded decision-making and attention to global responsibilities
Strategic Objective: Support learners of all ages in a supportive and safe environment
Strategic Initiatives:
Supporting all students as learners:
* Improve differentiated learning for all individuals
-- Provide enrichment opportunities for children ready for more advanced instruction
-- Increase supports and Responses to Intervention (RTI) for struggling learners (PreK-12)
* Provide elementary teachers training in the “balanced literacy” program for language arts acquisition to enable students to master written and oral communication
Supporting all educators as learners:
* Establish a PLC steering committee to support focus and success of the district’s early release time
* Create and implement protocols to provide more reflective practices, like looking at student work or utilizing “critical friends group” practices to support educators collaboratively learning from one another
* Provide professional development on leadership for teacher leaders and department heads
Strategic Objective: Create an inspiring, positive culture that promotes and celebrates achievement
Strategic Initiatives:
* Create a social-emotional framework (PreK-12) that is data-driven, promotes leadership, and advances a positive culture within Monomoy schools
* Create Monomoy traditions that celebrate achievement of students and staff and recognize milestones and positive culture
* Create inspiring cultures within each Monomoy school that attracts and retains both students and staff, and connects them to one another
* Enhance extracurricular opportunities
Adopted by MRSC on January 27, 2016