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Student Data Privacy

Student Data Privacy

All Monomoy Regional School District (MRSD) staff members must ensure the safety and security of student information.

You are required to:

  • Only use district-approved websites, online resources, apps, and software.
  • Ensure student data is never shared or accessed by unauthorized individuals.
  • Follow federal, state, and district policies regarding student data privacy.
  • All "official Monomoy" social media accounts must be requested through the district's request process; please refrain from creating one independently.

Protecting student data is everyone's responsibility. Any website, app, online resource, or software that requires account creation, uses district credentials, or collects student data must be approved by MRSD to ensure it meets privacy standards and legal requirements.

Our goal is to balance high-quality instruction with privacy protections, complying with federal and state laws, school policies, and community expectations. By safeguarding student information, we maintain trust and secure a safe learning environment.

Why Privacy Matters

As technology enhances learning through personalized instruction, it’s crucial to protect student data from unauthorized access and misuse. Several federal and state laws guide our efforts to keep student information secure. These laws and regulations protect student data by ensuring it is private, secure, and managed responsibly and guide how digital resources are vetted to ensure compliance and security.: