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School Safety

Monomoy Regional School District is committed to the safety of its students, teachers and staff, and visitors in each of our schools. School emergency preparedness is a process that involves staff, parents, students, emergency responders, and the community. Our ongoing goal is to find a proper balance between creating schools that are safe and secure while also maintaining an open and caring environment where students, staff, parents and community members feel welcome at our schools. 

MRSD approaches safety with an overabundance of caution and while we have plans and processes in place to mitigate and manage emergency situations, please know that school safety is not something we can do alone. The partnership and support that we have with our local law enforcement and our school community is critical.

We partner with the Chatham Police Department and Harwich Police Department to provide School Resource Officers (SROs), which are police officers who serve our schools.

Memorandum of Understanding between MRSD, Chatham Police Department, and Harwich Police Department


If You See Something, Say Something - Don't Spread It - Report It!

This is the best deterrent to potentially harmful situations. We want everyone in our school community -- including students, staff, parents, guardians, and visitors -- to be empowered to report any unusual or suspicious activity to a site administrator, employee, or public safety official.


In the case of an emergency at our schools, we ask that you please remember to look for official information from the school or district. We may deliver messages via school and district websites, email, text, phone, and district social media accounts - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Please ensure that your child’s school has your most current contact information on file so that you receive any such messages promptly.

Additionally, the district has launched use of the CrisisGo app to allow for internal communications between staff, administration, and public safety during emergency situations.


MRSD has an emergency operation plan that is responsive to many different emergency scenarios. The specifics of district and building plans cannot be publicized for security reasons, some general characteristics can be shared.

The district plan, developed by the crisis team in collaboration with local public safety teams, outlines various categories of response, including threat assessments, trauma responses, and incident response. These can range from the injury or death of a student or staff member, procedures to be used during natural or human emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, intruders, and more.

Safety Plans: All school sites and district facilities have safety plans in place that are updated yearly and as-needed throughout the year. 

Drills: Schools regularly conduct safety drills with students and staff to prepare for a variety of potential situations. Drills include procedures for lockdown, medical emergency, and fire.

Trainings: Staff trainings and school site trainings occur throughout the year on various safety related items.


Part of keeping students and faculty safe is knowing who is on our school sites at all times and our visitor management measures allow us to do that. All visitors must be buzzed in by our front office staff in order to enter our school buildings. Upon entering a school office, visitors will be asked to sign into the visitor log and will be issued a badge that identifies the visitor. A visitor’s badge will not be necessary for those who visit our schools simply to drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please complete an Online volunteer registration form and complete a CORI form.  


The district works to oversee safety procedures and injury prevention programs in accordance with state and federal health and safety requirements. These include activities such as continuous facility check (e.g., playgrounds, sports equipment) to staff training in health and safety related issues.


State and federal law strictly prohibits the possession of weapons and the use of tobacco, drugs, and alcoholic beverages on school grounds or at school activities. This prohibition applies to all district facilities, buses, and locations for district-sponsored events or activities. These prohibitions apply to all students, employees, spectators, and visitors while on district campuses or at district-sponsored events.


All MRSD employees are subject to background checks. In addition, recent laws require that certificated teachers submit evidence that they have not been convicted of or are under investigation for sexual misconduct. 


MRSD considers the personal safety of students and employees to be of the highest priority. By working together, parents and the school can share information in an attempt to keep students safe even after school hours. 


The transportation of students to and from school and school-sponsored events shall be in a manner which safely and efficiently serves eligible students and which meets the needs of special education students.