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Head Lice Protocol

Head Lice Protocol for the Management of the Student with Head Lice

School Nurses will periodically remind and educate parents (newsletters, student handbook, brochures) on the importance of informing their child’s School Nurse if their child has head lice, been exposed to a contagious disease, or other changes in health status. Students enrolled in the Monomoy Regional School District who are discovered to have an active case of head lice (nits or lice) during school hours will be promptly identified and the following actions taken.

The School Nurse will examine the student’s head for lice and nits. If live lice or nits are found, the student may return to class for the remainder of the school day based on nursing discretion. The student should be discouraged from close direct head contact with others. The student may be dismissed if the School Nurse’s assessment indicates that the student is uncomfortable due to the severity of the infestation. The school nurse will contact the parent/guardian after identification of head lice or nits and will request prompt, proper treatment of their child’s head lice. The School Nurse will re-examine the student the next day or when they return to school. If a student is dismissed from school, the School Nurse will re-examine the student upon returning to determine the initial success of the recommended treatment. Students may attend class regardless of the presence of lice/nits based on nurse’s discretion. If the infestation is unchanged, the School Nurse may request that the parent/guardian come into the Health Office for instruction on identification and removal of nits/lice.

Information regarding head lice and its treatment will be provided to the parents/guardians of all students found to have head lice or nits. If a cluster of cases are discovered in the same classroom, a general informational notice regarding lice may be sent home to the parents/guardians of the students in the classroom based on nursing discretion.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2010). Head Lice Information for Schools. November 2, 2010.
Frankowski, B., Bocchini, J. (2010).
Clinical Report – Head Lice. July 26, 2010.
National Association of School Nurses (2011). Pediculosis Management in the School Setting – Position Statement.