Attendance Guidelines
Attendance Guidelines
Please notify the school's main office if your student is going to be absent. The Health Services Department will send an automated Welllness Check message each morning to any families whose student's absence has not been called in.
The following guidelines are recommended for determining whether or not to keep a child at home:
- A child who has been vomiting or has had diarrhea should be kept at home for at least 24 hours after symptoms have ceased. If your child has consistent pain, fever, and poor oral intake, they should be seen by your physician.
- Any child with a fever of 100.0 or above should remain at home until 24 hours after the fever has ended and the child's temperature has returned to normal.
- If cold and cough symptoms are persistent and associated with a fever, a physician should see the child.
- If the white part of your child's eye is red and the eye has a yellow or green discharge, your child may have conjunctivitis, and your physician should be contacted. The child may return to school after 24 hours of treatment.
- If your child has either strep throat or impetigo, he/she must have received 24 hours of medication before returning to school.
- Head lice requires treatment for live lice.
- Children who have chickenpox must stay home until all lesions are scabbed over, which takes approximately 5-7 days. The school nurse MUST be notified of all chickenpox cases.
- All diagnosed cases of Fifths' Disease should be referred to the nurse.
Please inform the school nurse when your child is under medical care for any of serious illness, injury, or hospitalization.
Please notify the school nurse when your child has sustained an injury that requires crutches, a cast, or other special equipment. This information will help the nurse to plan for any additional help or modifications that your child may need in school.