Social Media Directory
The Monomoy Regional School District social media accounts are provided for the school community by MRSD. The intent is to create additional means for the district to share photos and videos of school happenings, announce events, spread news, and highlight student and staff achievement. In times of inclement weather that necessitate school closing or other school-related emergencies, our social media accounts and website will be updated in conjunction with alerting families directly and via local media.
We recognize the value of social media in sharing the great things happening in our schools – including photos, videos, accolades, events – and, occasionally, urgent information such as weather delays or safety updates. Our School Committee Policy Subcommittee has enacted new guidance to help preserve public forum guidelines for official district social media, and, as such, comments will not be available starting July 1, 2024 (File KDCB).
Reactions to our posts will remain available, as well as shares and forwards, and we welcome your interaction!
We encourage families, students, staff, and community members to share feedback and comments via this simple online form
Thank you for supporting and engaging with Monomoy Regional School District!