Back to School Information
The countdown to a new school year is on! Here is some information to help you get ready for the first day of school:
Help us support students by reinforcing these guidelines for cell phone use in school. Occasionally, teachers at the middle and high school level integrate phones in the classroom for educational purposes.
Communications Checklist
- Be sure to log into Aspen to verify and update your information – this will ensure that we have your accurate contact information for emergency messages, newsletters, and other communications. If you want to receive text messages from MRSD (particularly during emergency situations), please ensure that the SMS field is completed in Aspen
- Download the free MRSD app from the Apple App Store or Google Play (simply search Monomoy RSD).
- Follow Monomoy Regional School District on social media – we have accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and LinkedIn
- Check your email regularly, as principals will be sending important communications about back-to-school topics – stay tuned!
School Supplies
- All basic school supplies will be provided by MRSD and will be waiting for students on the first day of school. If any special items are needed for specific classes, teachers will share that information with students the first week of school.
- Students should plan to bring a backpack and water bottle. If you need assistance obtaining these items, please contact your school’s front office.
School Meals
- School breakfast and lunch is available free of charge to all students. Students are able to purchase additional items or second meals, so families may want to fund the student's MySchoolBucks accounts. Menus, information on MySchoolBucks, and more can be found at
School Day Start and End Times
- Chatham Elementary School and Harwich Elementary School: 7:45 am - 2:15 pm
- Monomoy Regional Middle School and Monomoy Regional High School: 8:45 am - 3:15 pm
- Early Release Wednesday dismissal times for Parent Pickup: CES - 1:30 p.m.; HES - 1:20 p.m.; MRMS - 2:20 p.m.; MRHS - 2:35 p.m. Buses will arrive 40-45 minutes earlier than usual.
Student Schedules
- Middle school and high school student schedules are available in the student's Aspen portal.
New Staff/New Assignments
- Find updates on new staff and new assignments throughout the district here (to be updated as we add to our team!)
- Monomoy Regional High School Athletics Information
- Monomoy Regional Middle School Athletics Information
Important Dates
- Thursday, August 22, 9:30 a.m. — Harwich Elementary School Kindergarten Bus Ride
- Monday, August 26, 9-11 a.m. — MRMS Grade 5/New Student Orientation
- Monday, August 26, 12-1 p.m. — MRHS Grade 8/New Student Orientation
- Wednesday, August 28, 3-5 p.m. — HES PTO Ice Cream Social
- Wednesday, August 28, 6 p.m. — CES Ice Cream Social and Kindergarten Bus Ride
- Tuesday, September 3 — First Day of School, Grades 1-4
- Thursday, September 5 — First Day of School, Kindergarten
- Monday, September 9 — First Day of School, Preschool
- Wednesday, September 11 -- Early Release (Dismissal 40 minutes earlier than usual)
Check our website calendar for more!