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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Based on the recommendations of the Monomoy Equity Task Force, Monomoy Regional School District has created a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Advisory Council. The DEIBAC advises the Superintendent and the School Committee on all areas of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, resulting in thoughtful actions that respond to the needs of all students and staff. The goal is to create a school district in which all students feel like they belong, all students are successful, and demographics are no longer an indicator of success.

The DEIB Advisory Council will:

  • Discuss opportunities for improvement of the MRSD current strategies related to diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging
  • Find barriers that appear within the Monomoy educational system and work to erase resulting gaps in learning, development, happiness, and safety for all of our students
  • Build an Action Plan to improve the climate of diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging for students, families, faculty and staff of MRSD