CES Summer Reading Program
Chatham Elementary School students are encouraged to participate in Eldredge Public Library's Summer Reading Program. Registration can be done on the library's website at www.eldredgelibrary.org.
Embark on a journey with Eldredge Public Library’s 2024 Summer Reading Adventure. Dive into the pages of thrilling tales, explore far-off (and nearby) lands, and meet fascinating characters along the way. Adventures can be found throughout the Library, in books, movies, games, and our own imagination! There are also amazing adventures to be had all around us – at the beach, in our neighborhoods, and at home.
Save the date - Tuesday, July 9, is the "Adventure Begins At Your Library" Summer Reading Adventure Kickoff! There will be a special program in the afternoon for all ages and one in the evening for tweens and teens.
Summer Reading Adventure registration is in-person for "Adventure Begins At Your Library" and will open following the afternoon kickoff event on July 9th