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The self-assessment process is intended to provide educators with an opportunity to reflect prior to the goal-setting process. Educators analyze student data and reflect on their performance as a means towards determining meaningful goals for professional practice and student learning. 

Student data you may consider analyzing in this process might include MCAS data both for your individual students, but also trends for your grade, school and/or subject area, NWEA Map Growth scores analyzed similarly, formative assessment data that you have collected at the beginning of the year on the students presently in front of you, historical summative data that you have from students, or exit survey data from students. Perhaps you have been doing fitness tracking in a physical education class or monitoring self-management skills as a counselor. We all have data on our students in a wide variety of forms to analyze and reflect on. Another layer of consideration is to disaggregate our data, which is a fancy term for breaking our data down into different groups and looking at it that way. So, for example, when we separate our data into males vs. females, or English-Learners vs. non-English Learners, or White students vs. non-White students, do we see any patterns or trends that we could maybe set a goal around? 

To support reflection on performance, the Review Team adapted a form from DESE to align with the focus areas for our new observation checklist form. Essentially, it is a "trimmed down" version of the original DESE draft. You may find it helpful in your self-assessment process.

On the new consolidated Goal Setting and Educator Plan Form you will be asked to indicate that you have participated in the self-assessment process.

DESE Original Self-Assessment Tool

Monomoy "Trimmed-Down" Self-Assessment Form