Revised Ed Eval Documents
Based upon feedback from teachers and school leaders, the Educator Evaluation Review Committee looked to streamline as much of the educator evaluation process as possible to reduce paperwork, and focus feedback so that educator evaluation could remain centered on its intended purpose, "To promote student learning, growth, and achievement by providing Educators with feedback for improvement, enhanced opportunities for professional growth, and clear structures for accountability."
In support of this, we sought to reduce the burden of the process wherever possible and to provide clarity for educators and leaders around instructional practices that support student learning, growth, and achievement. The following new forms are meant to support these goals:
Goal Setting and Educator Plan Form
This form replaces three separate forms in the previous system (Form 1- Self Assessment, Form 2A- Goal Setting, and Form 2B- Self-Directed/Developing Educator Plan). This was done based on feedback from educators and evaluators that three separate forms and three separate due dates at the beginning of the year made the process cumbersome, redundant, confusing and burdensome. Additionally, the components of the form were trimmed down to lessen the burden on educators completing the form and to focus on the essential elements necessary to have meaningful dialogue about educator goals.
Classroom Observation Feedback Form
This new form is a much more streamlined version of the current classroom observation feedback form, with 5 key areas of focus. This form comes from the committee's work to better align the MRSD evaluation process with its stated purpose, “to promote student learning, growth, and achievement by providing Educators with feedback for improvement, enhanced opportunities for professional growth, and clear structures for accountability." The committee believes that this is done by streamlining feedback to educators to align with district’s priorities for instruction while also creating a feedback form that allows evaluators to provide feedback more frequently and efficiently. There will be on-going professional learning around these forms and the associated expectations provided both for evaluators and staff.
Meeting Observation Feedback Form
This new form is derived from educator and evaluator feedback that recognized that many Unit A roles in the district have a significant portion of their job that include their participation in professional meetings. Some roles in the district rarely work directly with students in an observable manner at all. Therefore, in order to honor the work that these educators do and the value they serve to our district, this feedback document was created. These roles include: Counselors, Psychologists, Team chairs, Nurses, Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Reading/Math Specialists, Special Education Teachers, ELL Teachers, Career Education and Planning Coordinator.
"New" Modified Classroom Teacher Rubric
We will transition to utilizing a modified version of the DESE 2018 Classroom Teacher Rubric. The committee examined the 2018 rubric, compared it to the 2012 currently being utilized in the district, as well as the 2022-2023 rubrics currently in development and published here. The committee felt that the 2018 rubric more accurately reflects the expectations of the modern professional educator and serves as a bridge for where expectations are moving at the state level with the next iteration of the rubrics for effective teaching practices as well as the rubrics for effective leadership practices. Monomoy's modified version of the rubric removes Indicator Standard II.C from the rubric as there are "no associated elements or performance descriptors for the Student Learning Indicator" (DESE, 2018).
Additionally, new to the process will be the opportunity to offer Unit A members in certain non-classroom teacher roles (i.e. counselors, librarians, nurses, psychologists, etc.) to work with evaluators to select appropriate rubrics for their role at the beginning of each evaluation cycle. The application of role-specific rubrics (bottom of page) should be done collaboratively between the educator and evaluator depending upon the nature of the individual’s day-to-day responsibilities. This should occur during the goal-setting process.