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Curriculum Resources for Educators

We support the professional development of our educators in terms of curriculum planning and understanding. This section includes resources for educators, including tools, templates, and protocols, as well as information on learning about curriculum.

Tools, Templates, and Protocols

Over the next few years, we will be working diligently to standardize curriculum development, format, and review across all content areas and schools. This goal is driven by our Strategic Plan and specifically Strategic Objective 4: MRSD will improve curriculum, instruction, and assessment for all learners by ensuring that our collective practices are focused on students, preparing them for college, career, and life as members of both a local and global community. The Monomoy Regional School District uses Understanding by Design (UbD), sometimes referred to as Backwards Design, in developing curriculum. On this page, please find some video resources that show you how to access curriculum templates utilized in the district. Additionally, there are videos that help us to develop a shared understanding regarding the components of each template.

Accessing Scope and Sequence

Accessing the Unit Template

Overview of the Scope and Sequence Template Components

Overview of Unit Template Components

Learning About Curriculum

Have you ever asked yourself any of the following questions?

“Why do we need to write curriculum?”
“What is a performance task?”
“What makes a good Essential Question?”
“Why should we plan backward?”
“What separates good curriculum materials from bad ones?”

Over the next few years, we will continue to develop a library of resources to help teachers find answers to these questions and develop common understandings around the value of curriculum development and what it looks like here in Monomoy.  

Curriculum Overview