Mathematics Vision Statement
The mathematics educators of the Monomoy Regional School District believe that students of the 21st Century should attend to mathematical situations as independent, analytical, and precise problem solvers. To that end, we will provide opportunities for all students to develop deep mathematical understanding through best practices, rich curricular offerings, and cutting edge educational technologies. Our students will leave the Monomoy Regional School District as creative, collaborative learners and effective communicators who are able to think critically and compete in today’s global community.
Transfer Goals
Students will be able to independently use their learning to:
- Interpret complex mathematical situations utilizing analytical thinking.
- Persevere in solving complex mathematical problems.
- Express appropriate mathematical reasoning by constructing viable arguments, critiquing the reasoning of others, and attending to precision when making mathematical statements.
- Apply mathematical knowledge to analyze and model mathematical relationships in the context of a situation in order to make decisions, draw conclusions, and solve problems.
Parent Resources
MyHRW - Holt MacDougal online resources -- This site provides resources to support MRSD's math curriculum for grades 6-7. Users can find online student textbooks, student workbooks, background videos and links to virtual manipulatives. These resources will enable parents and caregivers to better support students as they engage with the math. For login information, please contact your child's teacher.
Think Central - Math in Focus online resources -- This site provides resources to support MRSD's Math in Focus curriculum for grades K-7. Users can find online student textbooks, student workbooks, background videos and links to virtual manipulatives. These resources will enable parents and caregivers to better support students as they engage with the Math in Focus curriculum. For login information, please contact your child's teacher.