Instructional Technology Supporting Curriculum
Instructional technology is utilized in a wide variety of ways across the district to support our curriculum. It may be used to assess student learning, engage students in deeper learning, provide them with novel ways to demonstrate their learning, provide students opportunities to practice newly acquired skills, provide students with remedial skills practice, provide access to locations and information not otherwise accessible, or a wide variety of other learning activities. Just like the analog curriculum resources that we put in front of students, we want to make sure that the digital resources that our students are using in school are valuable, meaningful, standards aligned, and safe. As such, we utilize a process within Monomoy to approve digital resources for use in the classroom.
Teachers interested in utilizing a program, can first review the list of approved programs found here. If the program the teacher is requesting is not already on the approved list, then they can request the program be evaluated by submitting a Request for Online Resources. Once this form is received, it will go through a multi-step review process that will include:
- A review of the program's student data privacy policies
- A review of the program's academic value
- A review of the program's educational value
- A review of how the program compares to existing programs already approved by the district
- A review of the program's cost
Following this review, the teacher is informed of the results of the review and information is updated on the list of approved programs.